Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society

9am-5pm, 7 days a week. Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day
Driving Directions:
I-95 exit 68 Southern Boulevard, Travel East to Parker Avenue, Turn Right onto Parker Avenue, Turn Right onto Summit Boulevard, Travel 1 block and arrive
About Us
The mission of Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society is to inspire people to act on behalf of wildlife and the natural world. By visiting Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society guests are saving animals in the wild. A portion of each admission contributes to effective work that protects the wild counterparts of the animals on Zoo grounds. The Zoo’s ultimate goal is to be joined by our community in protecting and restoring wildlife in wild places. We accomplish this by inviting everyone to connect with animals and learn about actions that can be taken to reduce the threats wild animals face in the wild. Wildlife Saving Actions for some simple actions you can take to save wildlife.
Palm Beach Zoo staff is saving animals in the wild! We are using our expertise and knowledge to protect wildlife around the world and in our own community. Our wildlife-saving programs are powered by reputable partners, assessed by measurable outcomes, and utilize our staff expertise. Four local long-term Palm Beach Zoo conservation programs include:
Florida's Coral Reef
Florida Wildlife Corridor: Protecting Florida Panther
Swallow-tailed Kites and Snail Kite Monitoring
Rep/Contact Info