Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Chamber Boardroom
401 N. Flagler Dr.
West Palm B each, FL 33401
Open to Chamber members only.
Kirby Davis (561) 833-3894
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Company: Opportunity Early Childhood Education & Family Center
Speaker: Catherine Paterno
Topic: Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is not just a third world issue. It is an epidemic here in the United States -- right in our own backyards. In 2019 there were 896 cases reported in Florida; a 114% increase from 2015. It is the research and the clients that drive this conversation with the passion to never stop advocating and providing victims with a voice.
The August 10 presentation will touch upon the ins - and - outs of the US Human Trafficking trade. Using credible research and statistics will allow one to see how this taboo topic should be at the forefront of our minds when we try to incite community change and awareness. Please join us to become informed, knowledgeable and a proactive advocate for victims and understand the changes needed to stop and correct this abuse in our community.
Catharine Paterno (Cat), Social Worker/Family Development Director, joined Opportunity in October 2020. Cat has more than 8 years of experience advocating for children and their families throughout New Jersey and Florida. Cat received a BA in Child Advocacy & Policy from Montclair State University. She worked as the Assistant Director of Lightbridge Academy and at Prevent Child Abuse in New Jersey. In 2017, Cat decided to follow her passion. She (and her dog) moved to sunny Florida. Since moving to FL, Cat has built her community resource network by working as a Case Manager & PPP coordinator for HBH and Sandy Pines, the largest in-state children's Mental Health hospital. She is dedicated to serving all the families and children she meets and is beyond thrilled to be working for Opportunity. Cat is devoted to providing families with the support and resources they need to create happy, healthy, and safe environments for their children.
Health and Human Services
The Health and Human Services Committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 12:00p.m. at varying locations. Visit the Health and Human Services Committee webpage for more information here.
For more information on Sponsorship and hosting opportunities to the Health and Human Services Committee, contact Membership Services, (561) 833-3894.
Printed courtesy of www.palmbeaches.org/ – Contact the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches for more information.
401 North Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 – (561) 833-3711 – Chamber@PalmBeaches.org