Business After Hours: Wellington Florist

Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EST
Wellington Florists
13889 Wellington Trace A12
Wellington, FL., 33414
Early Registration Discount until Tuesday November 8, 2023
Before Discount Deadline:
Members: $15
Future Members: $25
After Discount Deadline:
Members: $20
Future Members: $30
*registration gets you two free drinks and appetizers*
Reservations may be canceled up to 3 days (72 hours) before the event. Reservations that are canceled prior to 3 days (72 hours) of an event will not be charged and any amounts paid will be refunded. Cancellations must be emailed to Shari Ridgley, Information Coordination, at
Contact Information
Rachel Quismundo
Send Email

Surround Yourself with Beautiful Flowers and Lush Foliage While Networking @ Wellington Florist.
Get inspiration for holiday decor, as well as gift ideas for loved ones! Get a behind the scenes tour of the shop and see what makes their team and arrangements so great!
There will be two free drinks and light bites, as well as a chance to win:
- 6-month flower subscriptions
- Free flower deliveries
- Voluspa Candles
- Gift Cards
*Photos taken at event will be used for social media and/or publication*