Forgotten Soldiers Outreach, Inc.



About Us

September 11, 2001 changed our lives forever, as our country all stood united as one.

In October 2003, Forgotten Soldiers Outreach was born to help send that little bit of home to our troops. Service members were provided with much needed care items, as well as letters of encouragement.

Over the years, Forgotten Soldiers Outreach has become a nationally recognized organization receiving support from all over the country. We send out monthly “We Care” packages to our United States deployed military, who have been registered by family members, friends, commanding officers or themselves.

The fact remains that deployments continue all over the world, and our list continues to grow. Now more than ever, our men and women serving in the military can use that extra morale boost that is received through our “We Care” packages.

Rep/Contact Info

Gina Abbanato
Volunteer Manager
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Lynelle Zelnar
Executive Director

Printed courtesy of – Contact the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches for more information.
401 North Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 – (561) 833-3711 –